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Bladder Botox

What is botox, and why is it used in the bladder?

Onabotulinum Toxin A, more commonly referred to as botox, can be used to treat both overactive bladder or neurogenic bladder. 

  • For overactive bladder patients, it is traditionally used after patients have not experienced symptoms relief with behavioral modifications and medications. 

  • For patients with neurogenic bladder, botox injections can help relax the bladder and increase bladder capacity in order to protect the kidneys.

How does bladder botox work?

Botox is a neurotoxin that can be used to disrupt the activity of certain nerves.  Injecting botox into the bladder helps to relax the bladder so that it doesn't contract as frequently.  As a result, patients with overactive bladder experience less urinary frequency, urgency, and leakage episodes.

Where and how is this procedure performed?

We perform the injections in our office as an outpatient procedure.  When you arrive for your appointment, we will check your urine to ensure you don't have an infection prior to beginning.  A numbing medication will be instilled into your bladder for several minutes.  Then, a small camera called a cystoscope is inserted into the bladder.  Then, your doctor will inject to the botox into several locations throughout the bladder-this takes about 5 minutes. You may have some minor burning with urination or blood in the urine for a few days following the procedure.

How often will I require botox injections in my bladder?

The benefits from botox last anywhere from approximately 3 months to 1 year, with most patients needing re-injections every 6-8 months.

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